EPOS Quick Start

This quick start applies to both OpenEPOS and the didactic version of EPOS used in the Dedicated Operating Systems course. A detailed User Guide is also available.

1 - Downloading

In order to download any version of EPOS you must first register yourself by visiting the EPOS' web site and clicking on Register.

2 - Installing

Simply open a release tarball or check out a version from the SVN server at the place you want EPOS to be installed. You don't need to bother about the chosen path nor set any environment variable. EPOS is fully self contained.

If you also downloaded a tool-chain tarball, open it at /usr/local/ia32 whenever possible. If you do not have access to that path, you'll have to adjust the makedefs file in EPOS' main directory.

3 - Compiling

At the directory where you installed EPOS' source code, type:


If everything goes right, you should end with something like this:

EPOS bootable image tool

EPOS mode: library
Machine: pc
Processor: ia32 (32 bits, little endian)
Memory: 32768 KBytes
Boot Length: 128 KBytes
Node id: will get from the network

Creating EPOS bootable image in "img/philosophers_dinner.img":
  Adding boot strap "img/pc_boot": done.
  Adding setup "img/pc_setup": done.
  Adding application "philosophers_dinner": done.

Adding specific boot features of "pc": done.

Image successfully generated (49460 bytes)!

Otherwise, here you have a simple troubleshooting list:

4 - Running

At the directory where you installed and compiled EPOS, type:

make run

If everything goes right, qemu gets invoked to boot from the disk image generated on successful compilations.