Multiple, Specialized Heaps

Some machines have specialized memories that are mapped in the processor's address space just like ordinary RAM. For instance, some high-performance machines feature low-latency scratchpad memories used to speed up computations. Such memories, however, are seldom properly exported by the operating system, requiring application programs to directly handle them. The case of memory regions with specific caching polices for parallel applications running on shared memory machines, including contemporary multicore processors, fits in the same scenario. A modern operating system could take advantage of the fact that operator new() in C++ has two signatures and override the so called placement new to seamlessly export such memories. For example, application programmers could write

Type * object = new Type;
to create an object of type Type on the ordinary memory, and
Type * object = new (UNCACHED) Type;
to create the object on uncached memory.

To do

Split the application heap in two and implement the mechanism illustrated above so that programmers will be able to allocate memory that is cached on a write-back policy from one heap and memory that is cached on a write-through policy from the other one. The kmalloc() function shall no longer exist.

Hint: the heap on your current version of OpenEPOS is declared in application.h, defined in (it's a static attribute), and initialized in through the invocation of MMU::alloc() to allocate memory for the heap and Heap::free() to inject that memory into the heap. A system abstraction called Segment does most of what it takes to accomplish the task, but do not forget that segments in EPOS designate memory regions and not address space mappings. A Segment may exist, it may contain memory, and yet it may be inaccessible because it was not attached (using Address_Space::attach()) to any Address_Space