INE5355 - Operating Systems I - 2002/2



Day Time Hours Room
Monday 13:30 2 CTC303
Wednesday 13:30 2 EEL007

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P: process, M: memory, F: files , M: mean (P + M + I) / 3
Name P M F M
Ademir Francisco da Silva 9,0 9,0 0,0 6,0
Alexandre Vidal Riso 9,0 = 10,0 9,5
Andre Coelho Donadel 10,0 10,0 - 6,5
Andre Demboski Pinter 9,0 9,0 0,0 6,0
Antonio Carlos Venancio Junior 9,0 9,0 0,0 6,0
Celivio Holz Junior - - - zero
Claudia Regina Damasceno Luciano 9,0 = 10,0 9,5
Daniel Quadros da Silva 10,0 10,0 - 6,5
Denis Nazareno Hauffe 9,0 9,0 6,0 8,0
Deyse Aparecida Ferreira 9,0 9,0 - 6,0
Ederson Luiz Paes 9,0 9,0 0,0 6,0
Edson Toshiaki Ono 9,0 9,0 5,0 7,5
Eduardo Juchem 6,0 = 8,5 7,5
Evandro de Brito Sperandio - - - zero
Gabriel da Silva Beletti 9,0 = 10,0 9,5
Geraldo Volpato Calegari Jr 9,0 9,0 7,0 8,5
Guilherme T Tessmer 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0
Helion Cardozo Junior 9,0 9,0 5,0 7,5
Hugo Marcondes 6,0 = 10,0 8,0
Islon de Souza Scherer 10,0 10,0 - 6,5
Ivan Ricardo Schuster 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0
Jose Carlos Gontarzcyk Faria 9,0 = 10,0 9,5
Julio Alexandre de A Reis 10,0 10,0 - 6,5
Kleber Magno Maciel Vieira 9,0 = 10,0 9,5
Luciana Schmitz - - - zero
Marcelo de Barros Leiras 10,0 10,0 - 6,5
Marcelo Vieira de Andrade 6,0 = 8,0 7,0
Maria Tereza Nagel 9,0 9,0 8,0 8,5
Mauricio Fernando Gerhardt 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0
Paulo Cesar Allebrandt 9,0 = 10,0 9,5
Rodrigo Martins Camina 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0
Rodrigo Pilatti 6,0 = 8,0 7,0
Rosana Muller 10,0 10,0 10,0 dez
Silvia Cristina S Bianchi 6,0 = 8,5 7,5
Susan Moller Ferreira - - - zero
Tatiane Tomasi Rocha 9,0 9,0 - 6,0
Thiago Leao Moreira 6,0 = 10,0 8,0
Victor Hugo Germano 6,0 = 10,0 8,0