INE651100 - Engenharia de Sistemas Operacionais - 2004/1



Day Time Hours Room
Wednesday 14:00 1 Prof. Dr. Hermann Lücke
Friday 14:00 4 Prof. Dr. Hermann Lücke

Mailing list

The class can be reached through a mailing list. Click here to send us a message.


P1: project1 (due Apr 30), P2: project2, M: mean (P1 + P2) / 2
Name P1 P2 M
Arliones Stevert Hoeller Junior 10 9.5 A
Lucas Francisco Wanner 10 9.5 A
Filipe Rondon Quintanilha 7.5 9.5 B
Rafael Simon Maia 10 9.5 A
Roger Kreutz Immich 10 9.5 A
Thiago Ramos dos Santos 10 9.5 A

Students' Work

  1. Aspects Application in the Cyclops PopCorn Detector, by Rafael Simon Maia and Thiago Ramos dos Santos.
  2. Static metaprogramming in the EPOS family of sensor abstractions, by Arliones S. Hoeller Jr. and Lucas F. Wanner.
  3. Aspects in Embedded Software written in C, by Filipe Rondon Quintanilha.
  4. Aspects in the OSKit framework, by Roger Kreutz Immich.