INE5346 - Software/Hardware Integration - 2005/2




Day Time Hours Room
Tuesday 16:20 2 LAB
Thursday 16:20 2 LAB

Mailing list

The class can be reached through a mailing list. Click here to send us a message.


D: desing (due September 6), I: implementation (due November 1)
P: integration and presentation (due December 6), M: mean (D + I + P) / 3
Name Group D I P M
Alexandre Keunecke I de Mendonca G8 6.0 7.0 8.0
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Anderson Luis Coelho Zapello G1 - - - -
André Germano Regert G7 9.5 10 10 10
Augusto Born de Oliveira G6 9.0 10 10 10
Danillo Moura Santos G4 7.0 5.0 5.0 6.0
Emilio Wuerges G2 7.0 10 9.0 9.0
Felipe Guimaraes Carvalho G8 6.0 7.0 8.0
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Leonardo Kunrath G4 7.0 5.0 5.0 6.0
Leonardo Trentini Lang G2 7.0 10 9.0 9.0
Luiz Fernando Penkal Santos G6 9.0 10 10 10
Marcio Geovani Jasinski G7 9.5 10 10 10
Miguel Leonardo C Cartagena G7 9.5 10 10 10
Otavio Augusto Fuck Pereira G6 9.0 10 10 10
Rafael Scheffer Vargas G3 9.0 10 5.0
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Sandro Rogerio Silva de Carvalho G5 9.5 4.0 4.0 6.0
Tie Teixeira Lima Penatti G5 9.5 4.0 4.0 6.0

Practical Work

Traditionally, the software/hardware integration project behind this course is inspired by a movie or fictional story (so students can have some fun while struggling to progress through the project). In this semester however many students came along with interesting suggestions for the project, making it difficult for us to find a suitable scenario. Nonetheless, as not to break a tradition, let's dedicate this edition of Software/Hardware Integration to one of the most beloved movie stars: Homer Simpson. Like many of us, Homer likes to get his Duff beer1 at the right temperature. And we will help him!

So let's take a look at the device we'll assembly to protect Homer's Duff from the dark side of The Force, which is always on duty to warm or freeze it exactly when Homer most needs it (i.e., whenever he gets home). Our device will help him to get the real thing at the right temperature, that is, between 7 and 10 degrees Celsius2.

We will rely on sensors and actuators to counteract the dark side of The Force, which counts on an implacable temperature actuator to play havoc with Homer's Duff. It's up to you to build the device out of the components you can find on the lab.

1 Disclaimer: we apology for calling Duff "beer" in this text. We are aware of the Reinheitsgebot and it is not our intention to offend any true beer lover. However, calling Duff "artificially flavoured, artificially coloured, alcoholic by addition of ethanol, sparkling by addition of carbonic acid, canned beverage" would certainly confuse Homer, and that would be simply unacceptable (look at his brain!).

2 Disclaimer: drinking Duff at 10 degrees is likely to be impossible for most people. The unique formula of non-Reinheitsgebot "beers", which we Brazilians know very well, requires us to almost freeze the beer, so that a first gulp will immediately freeze our gustatory papillae, thus enabling us to better "taste" it! But once more, not to confuse Homer, let's assume that he drinks the real thing, made exclusively out of malt, yeast, hops and pure water.

What is what?

Top-view Schematic (xfig)

Useful Tools

Useful Docs


Students' Work

  1. Control application, by Anderson Luis Coelho Zapello.
  2. EPOS-- on MIPS, by Emilio Wuerges and Leonardo Trentini Lang.
  3. MIPS soft-core, by Rafael Vargas.
  4. CAN IP for the MIPS platform, by Danillo Moura Santos and Leonardo Kunrath.
  5. Serial Communication Driver and UART IP Integration, by Sandro Rogério Silva de Carvalho and Tie Teixeira Lima Penatt.
  6. CAN for EPOS on AVR8, by Augusto Born, Luiz Fernando Penkal, Otavio Augusto Pereira.
  7. Wireless Sensor Network Relay, by André Germano Regert, Márcio Geovani Jasinski and Miguel Leonardo C Cartagena.
  8. Sensors and Actuators, by Felipe Guimarães Carvalho and Alexandre Mendonça.