PCT Motorola F10 - Communication Interfaces and Drivers

Program (30 hours)

This edition of the Software/Hardware Integration course has a narrower focus than usual: communication interfaces.

Topic Notes Hours
1 - Introduction 2
2 - LINUX device drivers PDF TGZ 4
3 - Interacting with devices on the PCI bus HTML 4
4 - Network interfaces
4.1 - Ethernet
5 - Serial interfaces
5.1 - EIA232
5.2 - EIA485
5.3 - I2C
6 - Parallel interfaces
6.1 - IEEE485
6.2 - SCSI
7 - Universal Serial Bus (USB) HTML 4
8- Discussion 4


Day Time Hours Room
Thursday 18:00 4 LAB

Mailing list

The class can be reached through a mailing alias. Click here to send us a message.


I: implementation of a driver for a communication interface
Name I
Andre Luis Knabben A
Angelo Dos Santos Melo A
Bruno Maluche Neto A
Carlos Alberto Nakazawa R
Carlos Alexandre Matias A
Cleyton Andre Pires A
Dennis Kerr Coelho R
Douglas Nascimento Rechia R
Eduardo Afonso Billo A
Eduardo Dockhorn da Costa R
Enrico Golfetto Masella R
Fábio Zadrozny R
Fausto A dos Santos Junior R
Fauze Valerio Polpeta R
Fernanda Emanuella Silveira A
Iomani Engelmann Gomes R
Jairo Cavanus R
Luiz Carlos B. Kos Lassance R
Marcelo Vilela Ferreira R
Marcio Rodrigo De Oliveira R
Marcos Aurelio Dias A
Pricilla Padaratz R
Ricardo Joselito Winck A
Ricardo Skalee R
Roberto De Oliveira Leao R
Sergio Roberto L E S Filho R
Thiago Robert C dos Santos A

Practical Work

This course's practical work consists of implementing a LINUX device driver for the 3C905c network interface card.

Students' Work

  1. A Linux device driver for the 3COM 905c network interface card, by Andre Luis Knabben, Angelo Dos Santos Melo, Bruno Maluche Neto, Carlos Alexandre Matias, Fernanda Emanuella Silveira, Marcos Aurelio Dias e Ricardo Joselito Winck.
  2. A Linux device driver for the Orinoco WaveLAN network interface card, by Cleyton Andre Pires, Eduardo Afonso Billo e Thiago Robert C dos Santos.