
thread_destroy destroys a thread. 


#include <types.h> 
#include <stub.h> 

int thread_destroy(Capability *thread, int exit_status); 



thread_destroy destroys the thread designated by thread. Destroying a thread includes detaching its stack segment. 

A status word present in exit_status is stored inside the kernel and is passed to the first thread calling thread_wait. The thread's descriptor structure is kept by the kernel until thread_wait is called. Creating a thread and not waiting for its termination is not a good policy, since the kernel may run out of thread descriptors. 

Return Values

On success, thread_destroy returns 0 and the capability thread is no longer valid. 

On fail, thread_destroy returns a negative value indicating one of the following errors: 

See Also

thread_create, thread_status, thread_self, thread_exit, thread_wait, thread_priority, thread_suspend, thread_resume, thread_sleep, thread_yield